
  • 請(qǐng)選擇語(yǔ)言
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  • 產(chǎn)品中心

    和諧合作 合力共贏,打造成科學(xué)養(yǎng)生行業(yè)明星品牌

    Health mattress

    所屬分類(lèi):Health Mattress Series

    • 產(chǎn)品描述

    1, the buoyancy of sleep, set water bed, air bed, health care bed in a body;
    2. Special side tube design;
    3, promote sleep, warm in winter and cool in summer;
    4, supplemental energy, health care during rest, health care in sleep;
    5, promote blood circulation and metabolism, eliminate fatigue;
    6, cleaning convenient, clean and sanitary, away from the dust.
    Matters needing attention:
    1, the mattress can not touch the sharp items;
    2, the mattress needs to be placed in a flat position.
    3, the line head needs to be tightened.
    4, when placed, the water layer is in front of the front.
    5, it is best to put the emitter in the foot.
    6, when installation, pay attention to the order of inflatable and inflatable volume (not too full);
    7, regular cleaning;
    8, the personal feeling of comfort is accurate.

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